You may be wondering which program and which Cegep are right for you. There are many possibilities. Every Cegep has its own unique qualities, characteristics, and environment. Your goal is to find the Cegep that suits your needs and interests. To help you make an informed decision, here are some factors to consider.

Every Cegep can be a good choice: the quality of the education that you will receive is equivalent from one establishment to another, and every Cegep has equally competent and engaged teachers. To find out which Cegeps offer the program you want to take, go to the SRAM website ( and search. The results display all the establishments where you can attain your goals. You can then go to the websites of the various Cegeps to further explore your options.
Several Cegeps may offer the same program. The competencies to be attained for the program are the same across all Cegeps, but the activities, specifics, profiles and pathways may vary. You can sometimes enrol in Double DEC programs, DEC-BAC or DEP-DEC pathways, and even accelerated DECs. Opportunities for internships or stays abroad as well as connections with the labour market may also vary from one Cegep to another. Consequently, it is important to inform yourself about the way the program is taught in the various Cegeps that interest you.
Would you like to know more? Register in the Student for a Day program and meet the teachers and their students! Every Cegep offers this program. As a student for a day, you can visit the Cegep, sit in on a class, talk to teachers, and see what the atmosphere is like during a regular day of classes.
Are you still unsure about which program to choose? Make an appointment with your school’s guidance counsellor. They have the professional knowledge and ability to help guide you in your decisions about your education.

Each college has its own unique qualities and character. They also vary in size – some are big, others smaller. You can choose the environment that suits you. Go and visit to see if you like the dynamics and if you feel that the environment is right for you. Look at the resources that are available, help centres, extracurricular activities, facilities, clubs you could join, options for international experiences, etc.

Do you like to get involved, to be active, to use your creativity, to express yourself? Cegeps are looking for students like you who want to participate in college life. Find out about the Cegep’s cultural and sports activities. Taking part in student life is a great way to meet people with similar interests, and to create a social network that will enrich your Cegep experience. It has also been proven that student engagement is an important lever for success.

The time it takes you to get to and from Cegep is a factor to consider. Do a test. Evaluate the travel time. Keep in mind that choosing a Cegep near you can save precious time for studying, doing assignments, sleeping, or having fun. If you plan to spend a longer time getting to and from Cegep, use that time to get ahead in your reading.
Some establishments have residences. If this interests you, find out about them.

Regardless of the Cegep you choose, you can go on to university or enter the labour market. Calculation of the R score is designed so that all Cegeps are placed on an equal footing, so that everyone has an equal chance of entering university. For more information on the R score, read the Questions and Answers about the College R Score prepared by the Bureau de Coopération Interuniversitaire.
Choose the Cegep that suits you, because the best choice is your choice!